Methodist-Hymns-800 1: SAVIOUR , quicken many nations, Fruitful let Thy sorrows be; By Thy pains and consolations Draw the Gentiles unto Thee: Of Thy Cross
Category: Courage
MHB 790 – LOOK from Thy sphere of endless day
Methodist-Hymns-790 1: LOOK from Thy sphere of endless day, O God of mercy and of might, In pity look on those who stray, Benighted in
MHB 795 – O CHURCH of God, arise,
Methodist-Hymns-795 1: O CHURCH of God, arise, And take thy lamp of love, The light that never dies On earth, in heaven above! 2: With
MHB 785 – JESUS, if we aright confess
Methodist-Hymns-785 1: JESUS, if we aright confess Our heartfelt poverty, We own the conscious want of grace Itself a gift from Thee; And who our
MHB 783 – SHALL I, for fear of feeble man
Methodist-Hymns-783 1: SHALL I, for fear of feeble man, The Spirit’s course in me restrain? Or, undismayed, in deed and word Be a true witness
MHB 808 – SPEED Thy servants, Saviour, speed them
Methodist-Hymns-808 1: SPEED Thy servants, Saviour, speed them, Thou art Lord of winds and waves; They were bound, but thou hast freed them, Now they
MHB 782 – SHINE Thou upon us, Lord
Methodist-Hymns-782 1: SHINE Thou upon us, Lord, True Light of men, to-day; And through the written word Thy very self display; That so from hearts
MHB 791 – JESUS, Thy wandering sheep behold!
Methodist-Hymns-791 1: JESUS, Thy wandering sheep behold! See, Lord, with tenderest pity see The sheep that cannot find the fold, Till sought and gathered in
MHB 809 – I CANNOT tell why He whom angels worship
Methodist-Hymns-809 1: I CANNOT tell why He whom angels worship, Should set His love upon the sons of men, Or why, as Shepherd, He should
MHB 812 – GOD is working His purpose out,
Methodist-Hymns-812 1: GOD is working His purpose out, As year succeeds to year: God is working His purpose out, And the time is drawing near