1: GOD from on high hath heard;
Let sighs and sorrows cease;
The skies unfold, and lo!
Descends the gift of peace.
2: Hark! on the midnight air
Celestial voice swell;
The hosts of heaven proclaim
God comes on earth to dwell.
3: Haste with the shepherds; see
The mystery of grace:
A manger-bed, a child,
Is all the eye can trace.
4: Is this the Eternal son ,
Who on the starry throne
Before the worlds begun
Was with the Father One?
5: Yes, faith can pierce the cloud
Which shrouds His glory now,
And hail Him God and Lord,
To whom all creatures bow.
6: Faith sees the sapphire throne,
Where angels evermore
Adoring tremble still,
And trembling still adore.
7: O child! Thy silence speaks,
And bids us not refuse
To bear what flesh would shun,
To spurn what flesh would choose.
8: Fill us with holy love,
Heal Thou our earthly pride;
Born in each lowly heart,
For ever there abide. Amen