1: IT fell upon a summer day,
When Jesus walked in Galilee,
The mothers from a village brought
Their children to his knee.
2: He took them in His arms, and laid
His hands on each remembered head;
Suffer these little ones to come
To Me, He gently said.
3: Forbid them not; unless ye bear
The childlike heart your hearts within,
Unto My kingdom ye may come
But may not enter in.
4: Master, I fain would enter there;
O let me follow Thee, and share
Thy meek and lowly heart, and be
Freed from all worldly care.
5: Of innocence, and love, and trust,
Of quiet work, and simple word,
Of joy, and thoughtlessness of self,
Build up my life, good Lord.
6: All happy thoughts, and gentle ways,
And loving-kindness daily given,
And freedom through obedience gained,
Make in my heart Thy heaven.
7: O happy thus to live and move!
And sweet this world, where I shall find
God’s beauty everywhere, His love,
His good in all mankind.
8: Then, Father, grant this childlike heart,
That I may come to Christ, and feel
His hands on me in blessing laid,
Love-giving, strong to heal. Amen.