MHB 230 – REJOICE and be glad! the Redeemer has come:

MHB 230 – REJOICE and be glad! the Redeemer has come:


1:  REJOICE and be glad! the Redeemer has come:
Go, look on His cradle, His cross, and His tomb.
Sound His praises, tell the story of Him who was slain;
Sound His praises, tell with gladness He now lives again.

2:  Rejoice and be glad! it is sunshine at last;
The clouds have departed, the shadows are past.

3:  Rejoice and be glad! for the blood has been shed;
Redemption is finished, the price has been paid

4:  Rejoice and be glad! now the pardon is free;
The just for the unjust has died on the tree.

5:  Rejoice and be glad! for the Lamb that was slain,
O’er death is triumphant, and now liveth again.

6:  Rejoice and be glad! for our King is on high;
He pleads now for us on His throne in the sky.

7:  Rejoice and be glad! for He’s coming again;
He’ll come in great glory, the Lamb that was slain.

READ ALSO  MHB 228 - HAIL,Thou once despised Jesus!

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