MHB 261 – LIGHT of those whose dreary dwelling

MHB 261 – LIGHT of those whose dreary dwelling


1:  LIGHT of those whose dreary dwelling
Borders on the shades of death,
Come, and by Thy love’s revealing
Dissipate the clouds beneath;
The new heaven and earth’s Creator,
In our deepest darkness rise,
Scattering all the night of nature,
Pouring eyesight on our eyes.

2:  Still we wait for Thine appearing;
Life and joy Thy beams impart,
Chasing all our fears, and cheering
Every poor besnighted heart:
Come, and manifest the favour
God hath for our ransomed race;
Come, Thou universal Saviour,
Come, and bring the gospel grace.

3:  Save us in Thy great compassion,
O Thou mild, pacific Prince;
Give the knowledge of salvation,
Give the pardon of our sins:
By Thy all-restoring merit
Every burdened soul release;
Every weary, wandering spirit
Guide into Thy perfect peace. Amen.

READ ALSO  MHB 850 - LOOKING upward every day

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