1: LORD, her watch Thy Church is keeping;
When shall earth Thy rule obey?
When shall end the night of weeping?
When shall break the promised day?
See the whitening harvest languish,
Waiting still the labourers’ toil;
Was it vain, Thy Son’s deep anguish?n Shall the strong retain the spoil?
2: Tidings, sent to every creature,
Millions yet have never heard;
Can they hear without a preacher?
Lord Almighty, give the word:
Give the word; in every nation
Let the gospel trumpet sound,
Witnessing a world’s salvation
To the earth’s remotest bound.
3: Then the end: Thy Church completed,
All Thy chosen gathered in,
With their King in glory seated,
Satan bound, and banished sin;
Gone for ever parting, weeping,
Hunger, sorrow, death, and pain:
Lo, her watch Thy Church is keeping;
Come, Lord Jesus, come to reign! Amen.