MHB 281 – GO not, my soul, in search of Him

MHB 281 – GO not, my soul, in search of Him


1:  GO not, my soul, in search of Him,
Thou wilt not find Him there,
Or in the depths of shadow dim,
Or heights of upper air.

2:  For not in far-off realms of space
The Spirit hath His throne;
In every heart His findeth place,
And waiteth to be known.

3:  Thought answereth alone to thought,
And soul with soul hath kin;
The outward God he findeth not,
Who finds not God within.

4:  And if the vision come to thee
Revealed by inward sign,
Earth will be full of Deity,
And with His glory shine.

5:  Thou shalt not want for company,
Nor pitch thy tent alone ;
The indwelling God will go with thee,
And show thee of His own.

6:  O gift of gifts ! o grace of grace,
That God should condescend
To make thy heart His dwelling-place
And be thy daily Friend !

READ ALSO  MHB 744 - O HAPPY day that fixed my choice

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