MHB 295 – SPIRIT blest, who art adored

MHB 295 – SPIRIT blest, who art adored


1:  SPIRIT blest, who art adored
With the Father and the Word
One eternal God and Lord:
Hear us, Holy Spirit.

2:  Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove,
Dew descending  from above,
Breath of life and fire of love:
Hear  us, Holy Spirit.

3:  Spirit,guiding us aright,
Spirit, making darkness light,
Spirit of resistless might:
Hear us, Holy Spirit.

4:  Thou whom Jesus from His throne
Gave to cheer and help His own,
That they might not be alone:
Hear us, Holy Spirit.

5:  All our evil passions kill;
Bend aright our stubborn will;
Though we grieve Thee, patient still:
Hear us, Holy Spirit.

6:  Come,to raise us when we fall;
And, when snares our souls enthrall,
Lead us back with gentle call:
Hear us, Holy Spirit.

7:  Come,to strengthen all the weak;
Give Thy courage to the meek;
Teach our faltering tongues to speak:
Hear us, Holy Spirit.

8:  Come,to aid the souls who yearn
More of truth divine to learn,
And with deeper love to burn:
Hear us, Holy Spirit.

9:  Keep  us in the narrow way;
Warn us when we go astray;
Plead within us when we pray:
Hear us, Holy Spirit.

10:  Holy,loving,as Thou art,
All Thy sevenfold  gifts impart;
Nevermore from us depart:
Hear us, Holy Spirit.

READ ALSO  MHB 749 - COME, let us use the grace divine

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