MHB 447 – O LOVE, who formedst me to wear

MHB 447 – O LOVE, who formedst me to wear


1:  O LOVE, who formedst me to wear
The image of Thy Godhead here;
Who soughtest me with tender care
Through all my wanderings wild and drear:
O Love, I give myself to Thee,
Thine ever, only Thing to be.

2:  O Love, of whom is truth and light,
The Word and Spirit, life and power,
Whose heart was bared to them that smite,
To shield us in our trial hour:

3:  O Love, who thus hast bound me fast,
Beneath that gentle yoke of Thine;
Love, who hast conquered me at last,
And rapt away this heart of mine:

4:  O Love, who once shalt bid me rise
From out this dying life of ours;
O Love, who once above yon skies
Shalt set me in the fadeless bowers

READ ALSO  MHB 622 - SHOW me the way, O Lord,And make it plain

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