1: COME, Saviour, Jesus, from above!
Assist me with Thy heavenly grace;
Empty my heart of earthly love,
And for Thyself prepare the place.
2: O let Thy sacred presence fill,
And set my longing spirit free!
Which pants to have no other will,
But day and night to feast on Thee.
3: That path with humble speed I’ll seek,
Where my Saviour’s footsteps shine;
Nor will I hear, nor will I speak,
Of any other love but Thine.
4: Henceforth may no profane delight
Divide this consecrated soul;
Possess it Thou, who hast the right,
As Lord and Master of the whole.
5: Thee I can love, and Thee alone,
With pure delight and inward bliss:
To know Thou tak’st me for Thine own,
O what a happiness is this!
6: Nothing on earth do I desire,
But Thy pure love within my breast;
This, only this, will I require,
And freely give up all the rest.