MHB 66 – O GOD of all grace

MHB 66 – O GOD of all grace


1: O GOD of all grace
Thy goodness we praise;
Thy Son Thou hast given to die in our place.
He came from above
Our curse to remove;
He hath loved, He hath loved us, because He would love.

2:  Love moved Him to die,
And on this we rely;
He hath loved, He hath loved us:
we cannot tell why;
But this we can tell,
He hath loved us so well
As to lay down His life to redeem
us from hell.

3: He hath ransomed our race;
O how shall we praise
Or worthily sing Thy unspeakable grace?
Nothing else will we know
In our journey below,
But singing Thy grace to Thy paradise go.

4: Nay, and when we remove
To Thy presence above,
Our heaven shall be still to sing of thy love.
We all shall commend
The love of our Friend,
For ever beginning what never shall end.

READ ALSO  MHB 28 - ALL creatures of our God and King

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