1: COME, let us with our Lord arise,
Our Lord who made both earth and skies;
he died to save the world he made,
Who died to save the world He made,
And rose triumphant from the dead;
And stamped the day for ever His.
2: This is the day the Lord has made,
That all may see His power displayed,
be filled with all the life of God;
May feel His resurrection’s power,
and rise again, to fall no more,
In perfect righteousness renewed,
And fill His court with songs of praise.
3: Then let us render Him his own,
With solemn prayer approach his throne,
With meekness hear the gospel word,
Wth thanks His dying love record;
And fill His court with song of praise.
4: Honour and praise to Jesus pay
Throughout His consecrated day;
Nor leave a single moment viod;
With utmost care the time improve,
And only breathe His praise and love.