MHB 687 –  I BOW in silence at Thy feet

MHB 687 –  I BOW in silence at Thy feet


1:  I BOW in silence at Thy feet ;
Come to my soul and make it meet
To hold divine communion sweet,
My Lord, my life, my all.

2:  Thou know’st the evil thoughts within,
That make it hard for me to win
The victory over self and sin,
My Lord, my life, my all.

3:  Thou too art man and knowest all
That would my love from Thee recall;
Wilt Thou be near me, lest I fall,
My Lord, my life, my all.

4:  I have no power save Thine alone,
Help me to make this heart Thine own,
Rule Thou my life, there find Thy throne,
My Lord, my life, my all.

5:  I bow in silence at Thy feet,
Hear Thou the prayer which I repeat,
0 make my sacrifice complete,
My Lord, my life, my all.

READ ALSO  MHB 649 - THERE is a land of pure delight

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