MHB 721 – JESUS, united by Thy grace

MHB 721 – JESUS, united by Thy grace


1: JESUS, united by Thy grace
And each to each endeared,
With confidence we seek Thy face,
And know our prayer is heard.

2: Still let us own our common Lord,
And bear Thine easy yoke,
A band of love, a threefold cord,
Which never can be broke.

3: Make us into one spirit drink;
Baptize into Thy name;
And let us always kindly think
And sweetly speak, the same.

4: Touched by the loadstone of Thy love,
Let all our hearts agree,
And ever towards each other move,
And ever move towards Thee.

5: To Thee, inseparably joined,
Let all our spirits cleave;
O may we all the loving mind
That was in Thee receive.

6: This is the bond of perfectness,
Thy spotless charity;
O let us still we pray possess
The mind that was in Thee. Amen.

READ ALSO  MHB 776  - O FATHER all creating, wisdom, love and power

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