1: O GOD of mercy, God of might,
In love and pity infinite,
Teach us, as ever in Thy sight,
To live our life to Thee.
2: And Thou Who cam’st on earth to die,
That fallen man might live thereby,
O hear us, for to Thee we cry
In hope, O Lord, to Thee.
3: Teach us the lesson Thou hast taught,
To feel for those Thy blood hath bought;
That every word and deed and thought
May work a work for Thee.
4: For all are brethren, far and wide,
Since Thou, O Lord, for all hast died:
Then teach us, whatsoe’er betide,
To love them all in Thee.
5: In sickness, sorrow, want, or care,
Whate’er it be, ’tis ours to share;
May we, when help is needed, there
Give help as unto Thee.
6: And may Thy Holy Spirit move
All those who live, to live in love,
Till Thou shalt greet in Heaven above
All those who live to Thee.Amen.