1: LORD, behold us with thy blessing
Once again assembled here:
Onward be our footsteps pressing
In thy love and faith and fear;
Still protect us
By thy presence ever near.
2: For thy mercy we adore thee,
For this rest upon our way;
Lord, again we bow before thee,
Speed our labours day by day;
Mind and spirit
With thy choicest gifts array.
3: Keep the spell of home affection
Still alive in every heart;
May its power, with mild direction,
Draw our love from self apart,
Till thy children
Feel that thou their Father art.
4: Lord, dismiss us with Thy blessing
Thanks for mercies past receive;
Pardon all, their faults confessing;
Time that’s lost may all retrieve;
May Thy children
Ne’er again Thy Spirit grieve.
5: By Thy kindly influence cherish
All the good we here have gained;
May all taint of evil perish,
By Thy mightier power restrained;
Seek we ever
Knowledge pure and love un-feigned.