MHB 939 – THE sun is sinking fast

MHB 939 – THE sun is sinking fast


1:  THE sun is sinking fast,
the daylight dies;
let love awake, and pay
her evening sacrifice.

2:  As Christ upon the cross
his head inclined,
and to his Father’s hands
his parting soul resigned;

3:  So now herself my soul
would wholly give
into his sacred charge
in whom all spirits live;

4:  So now beneath his eye
would calmly rest,
without a wish or thought
abiding in the breast;

5:  Save that his will be done,
whate’er betide;
dead to herself, and dead
in him to all beside.

6:  Thus would I live: yet now
not I, but he,
in all his power and love,
henceforth alive in me.

7:  One sacred Trinity,
one Lord divine,
Thine may I ever be,
and thou for ever mine. Amen

READ ALSO  MHB 587 - O LORD of every lovely thing

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