MHB 975 – WHEN the day of toil is done

MHB 975 – WHEN the day of toil is done


1:  WHEN the day of toil is done,
when the race of life is run,
Father, grant Thy wearied one
Rest for evermore.

2:  When the strife of sin is stilled,
When the foe within is killed,
Be thy gracious word fulfilled-
Peace for evermore.

3:  When the darkness melts away
At the breaking of the day,
Bid us hail the cheering ray-
Light for evermore.

4:  When the heart by sorrow tried
Feels at length its throbs subside,
Bring us, where all tears are dried,
Joy for evermore.

5:  When for vanished days we yearn,
Days that never can return,
Teach us in thy love to learn
Love for evermore.

6:  When the breath of life is flown,
When the grace must claim its own,
Lord of life, be ours thy crown-
Life for evermore.

READ ALSO  MHB 369  - THEE, Jesu, Thee, the sinner’s friend,

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